Quran halal talisman-taweez and spiritual items

No matter of your religion or ethnicity!

taweez for protection

Taweez with 99 names of Allah

There are a few talismans in this world that can compare to this one. It includes the 99 names of Allah, known as Asma ul-Husna, represented with taweez for each one. Each of this taweez gives the benefits of each Allah name.

For example - the taweez of the holy name of Razaq, gives sustainance, rizq and money. The one of Hafiz - gives protection from known and unknown evil. And so on.

Each Allah name has numerous benefits and we can write a book for them. So we are giving here a link to a site with briefly pointed benefits of each of the Allah names.

.... Read more about this 99 Allah names taweez

Its price is :

2100 USD including worldwide shipping.

taweez for protection

Grand Taweez for Protection Against All Evil and Enemies

Introducing the Grand Taweez for Protection Against All Evil and Enemies – a powerful talisman rooted in the Islamic tradition. Crafted with utmost precision and reverence, this exceptional taweez is designed to safeguard you from a multitude of threats, ensuring peace, harmony, and protection in your life.

In Islam, the concept of protection against evil and enemies holds great significance.

Our Grand Taweez serves as a shield, shielding you from the malevolent intentions of thieves, calamities, and even evil relatives. It acts as a potent barrier against the destructive forces of black magic, hexes, curses, and the nefarious influence of djinn.

.... Read more about this protection taweez

Its price is :

150 USD or £122 including worldwide shipping.

taweez ring

Taweez ring of power

We are introducing to you this beautiful and unique ring. Inside it we had put a specially made folded metal stripe with six of the most powerful known HALAL taweez. Each one of them is connected with exact Allah name with certain benefits. The ring is prepared in exact date of the month, following the ancient sufi traditions for full effect of the item.

The Allah names used for this taweez and their main benefits are:

1. Uahhab - God gives the means to live without much effort and labor.

2. Razzaq - you will get great blessings from unexpected places.

3. Fattah - God will open the door of his hidden treasury.

4. Basit – you will live in splendor and all abundance.

5. Sami – To him who wears this auspicious ring, God Almighty will accept all reasonable prayers.

6. Latif - All reasonable wishes will be granted

.... Read the rest benefits of the taweez ring

Its price is :

250 USD or £202 including worldwide shipping.


taweez for total power

Parchment taweez for total power of Riwgari

This item was first created by one of the masters of the Naqshbandi Sufi order - Muhammad Arif Riwgari in the year 1208 after hard meditation.
It is made on a halal goatling parchment in exact time period. We need about two weeks to create this item because of its complexity, following the ancient rules, using special spiritual ink. This talisman is completely safe and can be used by anyone, no matter of religion or ethnicity. It can be put on a wall or on a shelf in home or office.

The benefits of this wall talisman are countless, but here are the main of them:

1. Career advancment;
2. Higher salary;
3. New job opportunities;
4. More clients in shop and more sales;
.... Read the rest benefits of the parchment total power taweez

Its price is :

300 USD or £255 including worldwide shipping.

taweez for protection

Talisman for protection with surah Ikhlas

This item is created using the abjad system in which every letter from the Arabic alphabet corresponds to a certain number.
In this way, we found the numerical value of the whole surah and put it in a talisman.
The main virtue of this item is to protect your valuable goods-no matter if they are in your home, store, or warehouse, no matter if they are money, jewelry or any kind of stock. It is used against robbers and disasters.
It is made by following the exact rules of the Al-hikmah science, written at exact time in the Arabic month.

Its price is :

70 USD or £63 including worldwide shipping.

taweez for money

Parchment money taweez

This item is handmade from a goat leather parchment on which with roohani ink are written several wafiq for money, gaining wealth and abundance.

The item is prepared on a certain day of the month in exact positions of the planets so as to gain maximum effect from it.
The item is then rolled on a scroll and put in a wooden box so it can be put in your home or workplace.

This item has countless benefits connected with wealth: it increases luck drastically, raises salary, gets better job opportunities, gets more new clients in trade, gets higher respect from people, gets career promotion and different social benefits. If jobless, soon you can find a suitable job.
If the item is kept at home, the rest of the family members benefit from it, also.

Read more about the parchament talisman

Its price is :

150 USD or £127 including worldwide shipping.

khodam neckalce

Necklace with khodam

The word khodam means "spiritual server" or assistant. In the western world, they are known as guardian angels, but in the Islamic mythology hierarchy, they are below the angels. A lot of people think that they are jinns, too, but despite them, the khodams can only do good. Almost every person can feel the presence of these creatures. It cannot be mistaken , because when they are around, you will feel that you are watched constantly. You can feel an enormous amount of power in you, a positive attitude towards everything and peace with the whole world. More sensitive and pious people can even see them.

Once bonded to a person, it overshadows, constantly watching over, fulfilling needs, protecting, and guiding.

This necklace is made with malachite stone. We prefer to evoke and bind the khodam in this stone because of its great spiritual values. It helps the bearer to make a better relationship with the creature, so it can have more influence over the bearer than the other stones. The stone helps the bearer to open his mind to the help of the khodam. It also protects its bearer from misfortunes and troubles.

It does not matter who is the owner of the necklace–male or female.
As much the khodam necklace is worn, its powers grow... read more about the khodam neckalce

Its price is :

80 USD or £73 including worldwide shipping.

taweez for blessings

Wall taweez for blessings

In this handmade item, two of the great names of Allah S.A.T. are combined with their numerical values-the expander and the opener-Al-Basit and Al-Fatah.

To strengthen their effect, the great Nade Ali dua is written around their squares.

With the help of these two names, your life will be changed completely. Basit is responsible for expanding wealth and gaining more income. For respect from all-friends and foes. To gain higher social status and see earthly desires become manifest. Fatah is responsible for the opening of all closed doors in life. For success in all deeds and luck opening. All of these benefits are enhanced by the Nade Ali dua, which helps in all endevours so everything goes easily and smoothly. Sometimes you won't even know from where these pleasant surprises have come to you.

The size of this wall talisman is 30 x 21 cm.

Its price is :

120 USD or £100 including worldwide shipping.

taweez for protection

Wall taweez for protection

This handmade item is created using the beautiful Allah name-Al-Hafiz or as it is known-the preserver with its abjad numerical value. Around its square, the great Nade Ali dua is written to amplify its effect. Maybe you have seen a lot of similar printed items for walls, but there is nothing like the handwritten and empowered talisman.

This item is for protection from any evil, kala jadoo, bad eye (nazribad), and jinn-no matter if you put it in your home or at work, as long as you are around it. It can drive away disasters, robbers, and killers. It also helps greatly to win over opponents and enemies with the help of Allah S.A.T.

The size of this wall talisman is 30 x 21 cm.

Its price is :

100 USD or £91 including worldwide shipping.

Taweez multipurpose scarf

Taweez multipurpose scarf

This polyester scarf is imprinted with some very interesting wafiq with hundreds of benefits. Here are some of them:

1. for people who want to get married quickly - open of luck.
2. for career pormotion;
3. for those who sell;
4. To keep safe vehicles - without accidents;
5. For people who want to remain pious and stay away from sins;
6. Against mental problems, depression and anxiety;
7. To be respected and accepted from bosses and anyone superior;
8. To be successful in job interviews and when speaking in front of people;
9. All works to go easily and smooth;

The size of the scarf is 31 cm /19 cm. You can put some etheric oil on it and wear it in your pocket or wallet as much as possible.

Its price is :

40 USD or £36 including worldwide shipping.

Taweez plate for cleansing of karma

Taweez plate for cleansing of karma, sins and for long life.

This plate is engraved in exact time of the month, following certain sufi rules while creating it. It is used with water inside, which has to be drink after certain amount of time.

And here are the main benefits of this unique item: v
1. The regular use of the bowl will make Allah forgive all sins of the person in the earthly life and the afterlife.
2. The gates of hell will remain closed for the owner of the plate.
3. No matter of person religion, no matter of any inherited family curses – his karma will be totally clean. Along with these ayats, several special taweez are engraved on the metal. They boost even more the power of the bowl.
4. If a criminal has committed a crime - appearing before the judge with that name will receive a lesser sentence or none at all.
5. A person who uses this plate will be saved from the evil and wickedness of any tyrant.
6. He will be saved from all the evils and sorrows of this world.
7. His wealth will increase.

read the rest benefits of the plate

Its price is :

140 USD including worldwide shipping.

  • taweez plate for cleansing of karma

    Taweez plate for cleansing of karma, sins and for long life

  • taweez with 99 names of Allah

    Taweez with 99 names of Allah

  • grand taweez for protection

    Grand taweez for protection

  • taweez for total power

    Taweez for total power

  • khodam taweez neckalce

    Khodam necklace

  • Taweez for protection

    Talisman for protection of goods with surah Ikhlas

  • taweez for wealth

    Parchment money taweez

  • taweez for blessings

    Wall taweez for blessings

  • taweez for protection

    Wall taweez for protection

  • Taweez multipurpose scarf

    Multipurpose scarf

  • taweez ring

    Taweez ring of power